FIIFT – Tourist Closed-end Real Estate Investment Fund

These funds reinforce a company’s financial capacity by acquiring properties allocated to the tourist industry, meaning those registered as tourist enterprises or companies whose main activity is the entertainment sector geared at tourism. They may subsequently be leased to the same company or a third party, normally with the option for the lessee to later purchase these same properties.


Portugal Tourism – 70%70%
Caixa Geral de Depósitos – 23%23%
Novo Banco – 7%7%

Investment Policy

An FIIFT’s investment policy is geared towards the acquisition of properties assigned to the tourist industry for the purpose of leasing. Examples include:

  1. Tourist entertainment with an innovative character;
  2. Hoteliers and tourist entertainment involving the restoration of historical and cultural architectural heritage;
  3. Hoteliers in need of modernization and downsizing;
  4. Tourists involved in the restoration of unfinished construction projections, where work has halted for more than five years, and which pose a risk of environmental degradation.

The properties to be acquired by the FIIFT may be urban buildings or autonomous units, and may be integrated into the FIIFT as complete property rights, surface rights or other equivalent content rights.
FIIFT’s investment policy, in geographic terms, will cover the Portuguese national territory and the states of the European Union.


Properties available for sale or rent:

Leased properties:

The Prime Évora

Hotel | Hotel

Hotel Villa Garden Braga

Hotel | Hotel

Hotel Cristal Caldas

Hotel | Hotel
Caldas Da Rainha

Hotel Castelo de Vide

Hotel | Hotel
Castelo De Vide

Hotel D. Luís

Hotel | Hotel

Omid Saldanha Hotel

Hotel | Hotel

Palácio da Lousã

Hotel | Hotel

Hotel Cristal Vieira Praia & SPA

Hotel | Hotel
Marinha Grande

Hotel Cristal Praia Resort & SPA

Hotel | Hotel
Marinha Grande